Straight Arrow 7
Straight Arrow-Comanche Country!
Steve Adams: Owner of cattle farm, straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s close associate
Shack yonder: construction boss
Red, mike, critter: scoundrels
White cloud: chief of Comanche
Steve Adams and Packy were going somewhere, Packy felt thirsty. When he went to drink water from a stream it was blocked with rocks. Steve told him there’s another stream a few miles ahead. They both reached there and saw some Comanche dying of thirst. Steve and Packy asked them to hold on while they get water from the next stream. When Steve and Packy reached there, they found some white people contaminating and blocking the water by rock. Steve tried to stop them but one of them hit shovel on Packy’s head and attacked Steve. They left Steve and Packy in cold water to freeze and die. But soon Steve came back in his senses and woke Packy up. They filled their bottles with water and went to Comanche. They gave them water and asked them to warn white cloud that white men are blocking their water so be prepared for any situation. Steve got a hint that the path of streams lead to the railway track so he and Packy went to see the railway line. They found shack Yonder’s hut there. Steve and Packy went off their horses and towards the window of hut. They heard people talking about doing a war with Comanche to get them off their lands. Steve and Packy went to white cloud to warn him. White cloud told Steve he would send his braves and sacred crow totem to the last water stream to protect it. But the white men defeated those brave Comanche and took away the sacred crow totem. This made white cloud furious. He wanted to do a war. Steve told him that’s what white men want. He asked white cloud to let him talk about peace to white men. When he reached there, already a trap was prepared. Yonder was making white men against Comanche and asking them for a war. Steve tried to stop them but they didn’t listen. Steve knew only straight arrow can help now. He transformed into straight arrow, encouraged Comanche and went to white men to reveal the truth. He told people that Comanche didn’t get out of their teepees since last day, neither did they beat critter. In fact Critter hit Packy with his shovel. Straight arrow made mike confess all his mistakes. Then he went to railway like to catch yonder. He caught and handed over him to sheriff.
Straight Arrow-The Hand Ship!
Steve Adams: Owner of cattle farm, straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s close associate
Pegleg Jones
Rosemary: daughter of Pegleg Jones
Don Diego Batione
Don Hernando Batione: ancestor of rosemary s mother
Mesquite Molly
Cocopah, Comanche
Straight arrow found Pegleg Jones lying on dessert floor. He gave him water to drink. Jones told him he was finding his lost ship. Straight arrow told him there’s no ship but he kept claiming that it exists. Straight arrow went to find that ship when he found a fast moving stage without horses. Soon he saw some people go near that stage on their horses. When they tried to attack the stage, straight arrow flew his arrow and reached the stage along with the girl in stage. The girl rosemary told straight arrow that those people were Don Diego Batione and his mates. They wanted to kill her because she came here to get the biggest Spanish ranch which her father claimed, belonged to her mother for being descendent of Don Hernando Batione. Straight arrow guided her to the village while he went to Comanche. Comanche told straight arrow that Cocopah has once told that a ship exists. Straight arrow moves towards his ranch as Steve Adams but is in a hurry that he couldn’t everything to Packy. He asks him to get supplies Molly need. There he heard someone talking about tricking rosemary. Steve flew to his cave and transformed into straight arrow. On the other hand Cocopah caught Jones and were thinking to torture him. Straight arrow arrived on time and rescued him. He took a map of ship from Cocopah and took Jones to the ship. Soon rosemary arrived there. They were finding the papers when Diego and his men reached. Straight arrow had an idea. He took some gunpowder and attached it to arrows. Then he threw it towards sun. It exploded and all the horses of Diego and his men ran away of fear. The men were now frightened that they’ll die in this hot dessert. Meanwhile rosemary and Jones found inheritance papers. They moved on to inherit the biggest ranch which we now of rosemary, legally.
Two-Fisted Marshall
Tom Smith became marshal of Abilene in July 1870. He is famous for his power and strength. He never carried a gun with him. When he was offered a gun he refused saying that his hands and fists are enough to deal with bad people. Whoever had a gun he asked him to give it back as it is not allowed to keep a gun in this area. People respected him a lot and believed that he had brought peace
Straight Arrow-The Death Warning!
Steve Adams: Owner of cattle farm, straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s close associate
Yellow calf: Comanche
Wah-din-din: sign of misfortune and terror, thief
Little Deer: a Comanche
Wah-din-din was thought be a sign of bad fortune. One day yellow calf caught sight of him. He feared he would die now. Soon the rocks from a mountain started falling down. He knew he would die now but straight arrow came and rescued him. Straight arrow wished to see that skeleton faced creature wah-din-din but didn’t found him. On the other hand while little deer was buying some supplies in replacement of gold, some people tried to kidnap her to ask her the source of this gold. Steve Adams rescued little deer and asked her to run. She ran as fast as she could. Packy and Steve discussed about the intentions of white men. Steve knew there’s something wrong so he went to transform into straight arrow. Meanwhile the white men kidnapped little deer. They took her with them and tied her. Men feared that Comanche will come finding her but one of them said that no would dare to come here as they had wah-din-din to scare people and the dynamite are fixed too to prevent any danger. Straight arrow went to Comanche village to see whether little deer has reached back home but she didn’t. So straight arrow went to find her. He found a trail. He followed it. He saw wah-din-din whom he threw arrow and made him run away. He saw signs of dynamites on his way. He warned his people of going there. He told them he’ll take them to the tents of white men tomorrow alive. Comanche agreed. When they left; white men showed little deer they’ve gone and now they won’t come to rescue her so she should tell them about the gold now. Little deer thought her people have abandoned her she agreed to take them to gold source tomorrow. The next day Comanche and straight arrow rode to white men’s hide out and rescued deer. White men were astonished why dynamites didn’t explode. Straight arrow told them it’s because cold made them inactive.
Know Your Airlines! International Air Pioneers
In May 1992 royal Dutch airlines carried first passengers by flying only 9 yards above sea, a de Havilland, DH-9 travelled from Amsterdam, Holland to London, England. Since then this airlines had carried 3 million people.
In October 23 1934, DC-2 won handicap section of Macrobertson international air race of 11300 miles from London, England to Melbourne, Australia. It was a big achievement for royal Dutch airlines.
In May 21 1946 royal Dutch airlines first gave service in Europe, from Holland to American passengers after world war2.
Royal Dutch airlines fly to 52 nations and over 85000 miles of routes. It once carried 4 elephants in a single aircraft. It was the first to use jet stacks to increase speed of aircraft. It is the world’s first even airlines.