Straight Arrow 6
The Plains Indians: The Sioux
This article is about the Plains Indians, the Sioux. The Sioux came from Minnesota into the plains of Indians, in the middle of nineteenth century. The seven tribes of nadowe-siw-eg include; Teton, Brule, Sans Arc, Miniconjou, Oglala and Hunk papa. Sioux were warriors who enjoyed during the periods of war. They usually fought with other Plains Indians and the white men. On the other hand, the Sioux were very friendly and social too. They gathered in their teepee, ‘city hall’ to discuss about wars, ways to prevent wars and promote peace. The internal arrangements of the Sioux were divided into lodges with fox lodge being the most powerful lodge. The Sioux liked colors, they jackets and other outfits were colored and decorated with dyes. They made symbols of power on their teepees and attached with their ponies to boost themselves up during wars. It proved to be more efficient in motivating them rather than the luck factor. They liked dancing. Horse dance was their favorite. Crows and Pawnees were the greatest enemies of the Sioux. They enjoyed the wonders of North American continent. They liked mountains, rivers and especially the Black Hills of the Dakotas which they called ‘he sapa’. Sioux used ash bows. They loved the voice of shaggy buffaloes shaking the ground. They slaughter buffaloes and it was the first source of meat for them. Later they used rabbits, gophers and other small animals. They ate herbs and fruits like berries and currants too. They ate three times a day but never over ate. The Sioux produced great chiefs like sitting bull. The Sioux carried bows of willow during expeditions, to imagine that they are on a warpath. In games too, they practiced feasts of strength. Today the Sioux forms the second largest tribe of Indians in the United States.
Straight Arrow- Lances of the Cheyenne!
Steve Adams: Owner of cattle farm, straight arrow
Red hand: Chief of Comanche
Running bear: Chief of Cheyenne
Straight arrow was among his people, Comanche for a long time. A buffalo hunt was arranged in his honor. The chief of Comanche, red hand told straight arrow that Cheyenne are raiding them and planning against them hence the Comanche need to be prepared for the inevitable war. Cheyenne used arrows and lances during wars and it was very hard to defeat them. When straight arrow and other Comanche went for buffalo hunt, Cheyenne trapped them with the purpose of killing them due to starvation. Straight arrow understood their intentions and raised his voice for a fight with chief alone. The chief of Cheyenne, running bear accepted the challenge. They both had a fight; straight arrow fought brilliantly and trapped running bear. Running bear was afraid that he will be killed now but straight arrow let him go on the condition of letting Comanche go back safely. Running bear agreed but warned him that they will come for war, the next day. On reaching back to their village Comanche started thinking about how they are going to defeat those Cheyenne. Straight arrow had an idea. He asked Comanche to prepare a double layered buffalo hide shield for each warrior. They did the same next day, in the warfare, Cheyenne attacked with their lances but the shields protected Comanche. Cheyenne thought of changing their war strategy, this time they attacked with arrows but straight arrow guided Comanche to get off and spread their horses and come closer. They walked together with their shields on their heads, forming a roof for protecting them from arrow rain. Now they started coming closer to Cheyenne and finally attacked them. Soon running bear realized that they are losing. He accepted his defeat and asked to cease the war. Straight arrow forgave him and warned him from attacking or raiding Comanche again.
Straight Arrow- The Dynamiters!
Steve Adams: Owner of cattle farm, straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s close associate
Dusty: boss of the syndicates
Buck Travis: member of syndicates
Joe Lawson: owner of the mine
Buck Travis was inspecting in the dynamite shed when Joe Lawson, the owner of the mine came and threw him out. Travis went to busty, his boss and told him everything. Busty was sure that Lawson would create trouble for them to blast the shaft. He told Travis that they would raid his place tomorrow. Travis wanted to take revenge from Lawson for kicking him out of the dynamite shed but when he reached there, Steve Adams and Packy rescued Lawson. Steve could sense a trouble approaching so he went to transform into straight arrow. Meanwhile Packy was with Lawson to fight any danger. When straight arrow came back it was too late, syndicates of busty had already come. Straight arrow had an idea. He took fury into the cave and fury made loud noises. Busty and his gang assumed a large army is approaching them. Then straight arrow aimed and blew so many arrows. The syndicates got afraid and thought of escaping that place. Busty ordered people to go from one way; meanwhile they will load the dynamites onto horses and go from the other way. Straight arrow came to Packy and Lawson and asked them to follow them. When they reached there, straight arrow figured out the deep hoofs of horses. He got the trick. He went from the shortest way to the shaft and stopped busty and his gang to blow the dynamite for silver. Lawson and other miners were grateful to straight arrow for helping them out.
Vikings out West
A farmer living in Minnesota found a stone with something written on it in writing which was not understandable. He asked the professors or university about it. They told him it is Viking runic writing. There’s a story behind this rock. The white men came killing all the way from Plains Indian and went to westwards. Then one man made a person write on flat stone that ten of their men are killed by red men and only 30 of them are left. Then no one knows what happened. Maybe white men signed peace treaty with red men. Although the Mandan were wiped out in plague of small pox but still people say that blue eyed and yellow haired people exist
Straight Arrow- The Boy from Back East!
Steve Adams: Owner of cattle farm, straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s close associate
Rusty: overman’s grandson
Parker: Baldy’s associate
Baldy Grimm: Foreman, in charge of cracked bench holdings
Rusty was the grandson of overman who died, leaving all his belongings for rusty. Baldy Grimm was made in charge of bench holdings by overman before his death. He was to take care of rusty too. Parker, Baldy’s associate, tried to kill rusty but Steve Adams saved him. Packy was suspicious about why Parker and his fellows didn’t try to save rusty. Steve Adams and Packy followed Parker and his mates. He found Parker raising his gun. Straight arrow defeated him and warned him if anything happens to busty, he’ll come to him first. Parker went to badly and told him everything. Baldy wanted to take over all property of the boy rusty. He made a plan and took busty with him to the mountains. Meanwhile Steve Adams transformed into straight arrow and followed them. Baldy went up there and left busty to freeze and die. He sold the ranch and other belongings and was planning to escape. Straight arrow found busty with the help of fury and took him to the nearby cabin. He turned on fire and gave him good food to eat. Then he left Packy and molly to take care of busty. Straight arrow headed towards Badly’s place and caught him. He handed over baldy and his gang to law.