Straight Arrow 5
Straight Arrow-Animal Tricks
Fury kneels when his left leg is caught in left hand and the rope is pulled by repeating the word “Kneel”. In this position straight arrow taught fury o pray by continuing to pull the rope and saying “pray”. Rope is used by the master to teach his horse. Straight arrow taught his dog by the pressure of his hand.
Straight arrow taught fury to bend by tying a rope to its halter. Then passing it between his front legs, above is right shoulder ad across his withers. Then he pulled the rope, applied pressure on withers and fury bent his head down. Straight arrow awarded fury with words, pats and a carrot. He helped fury bend and bow without using a rope or applying pressure on withers.
Straight Arrow- The Ghost of Straight Arrow!
Steve Adams: Straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s close associate
Sleet: An outlaw
Whenever a crime occurred, straight arrow was always there to stop it and get the criminals caught. One day an outlaw, Sleet planned to get rid of straight arrow forever, so he may not interfere in his crimes. He called all the underground criminals for a meeting. Together they made a plan that they’ll trap straight arrow in a steel ring and kill him. All of them were roaming in the village when Packy and Steve saw them and had a doubt something big is going to happen. Steve asked Packy to call colonel as he will need his help to deal with these scoundrels. Meanwhile Steve transformed into straight arrow and followed the men to the stage. On his arrival, all the men started firing, straight arrow was trapped. When the men were sure he had died, they stopped firing. One of them wanted to shoot straight arrow in his head but another man stopped him saying it’s a bad fortune to kill a dead man. Then another man wished to keep the Palomino, fury, but he escaped. Fury went to Packy, who was suspecting something bad has happened. When he followed fury, he saw the dead body of straight arrow. The face of straight arrow was pale as dead. Suddenly, straight arrow caught up and ordered Packy to bring colonel and army. Packy knew he was the ghost of straight arrow but still he followed his orders. On the other hand, straight arrow followed the scoundrels. When he came in front of them, they got scared of his pale face. They were sure this was the ghost of straight forward. They tried to escape from him. One of them said he will shoot him anyhow. Straight arrow rode away on his horse. This made the men think why a ghost would fear of being killed. They realized that straight arrow is alive and followed him to kill him. Following him, they entered into the Satan’s bowl. Now they were all trapped since there was no other exit from the cave and straight arrow was guarding from the only opening. Soon Packy came along with colonel and troops. Straight forward told him that his men tried to kill him. Colonel took the charge and caught them. Packy was sorry for straight arrow’s death when straight arrow started smiling and wiped his face. He told him he wore paint in a hurry and when he was trapped, he had no other option other than pretending to be dead.
Straight Arrow-Mission of Hate!
Steve Adams: Straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s close associate
Susan Hawkins: Peter’s wife
Peter: Susan’s husband
Hoot Sledder: a Betrayer, Peter’s foreman
Peter, Susan and their kid were travelling to Peter’s hometown after five years. They stopped on their way. Peter went to hunt rabbits when hoot came, beat him and took him away. It was too long and peter hadn’t come back. Susan became worried and went to see him. She found torn piece of peter’s shirt and a glove. She knew people wrote names in their gloves. When she saw the glove she realized hoot had taken peter away. She was ready to fight with him but she needed weapons and a horse to ride. She went to Packy and Steve’s house, borrowed their equipments and left her child there with a note. Steve realized a woman is on a mission and she may need him. So Steve transformed into straight arrow and went after her. Meanwhile Susan reached hoot’s ranch and was about to fire the person in front of her, thinking he is hoot slender. Suddenly a man from behind came and caught her. It was hoot slender. Before he could do anything, straight arrow came and rescued Susan. Susan wanted to fire Hoot but straight arrow stopped and told her that law will punish him. They heard a door tapping. Straight arrow opened it and saw peter inside. Susan was glad to see him as she thought hoot had killed him. Susan and peter were very happy and thankful to straight arrow. Hoot had been sent to jail and they got their ranch back.
The Plains Indian: The Comanche
This article tells the history and lifestyle of Comanche. Comanche were fighters and great horse riders. They lived at a spot for more than a few moths but not nimenium who called themselves hoe and hut. Comanche lived on ground and the sky was their roof. They were called to be the finest natural cavalry. They were really good horse riders and knew how to ride the way that nobody sees them. Comanche often gambled after they raced with each other. They owned lots of horses and even some of them were estimated to have as many as two hundred horses. The crow Indians are known to be the best horse thieves. Comanche were frightened in battles. The Comanche culture was much similar to that of other Plains Indians. They used bow and arrow, stone-hammer and pipe-axe, and the round buffalo shield in wars. They used to make and decorate tepees to live in. They traded with other people too, by exchanging their horses. Apaches were the greatest enemies of Comanche. Comanche had three dominant branches i.e. quohada, yapparika, noyika and kotchatekas. Comanche didn’t do sun dance. Quana Parker and Pahawka were heroes of Comanche. Comanche progressed a lot by trading with the white men and adopting their lifestyles. They were so rich that people were jealous of them. Comanche used to pick up the wounded or dead people in a very unique way to either take them to recovery or burial. Sometimes even their enemies came to them for help. Comanche live in Oklahoma today. There are about 2000 of them.
Straight Arrow-Straight Arrow’s Great Leap!
Steve Adams: Straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s close associate
Red cloud: chief of Comanche
Sheriff: police man
Stunner: a betrayer
The chief of Comanche, Red cloud went to stunner, a white man to take an advice. He showed him a piece of rock and asked if it is iron. Stunner took it from him and said it’s not worthy at all, it isn’t iron. Steve Adams came from behind, took that piece of iron and confirmed to Red cloud that it is iron; a good fortune waits for him. This makes Stunner angry and he plans to kidnap Red cloud. When he does so, he sent a notice to Comanche to lead them to the place where they discovered iron from, if they want their chief back. This made Comanche fiercer and they went to meet white men with this notice. They told them that they will do a war against them if they don’t give their chief back. Sheriff blew with anger. Steve Adams hurriedly sent back the Comanche and asked sheriff to keep a hold on himself as he is to prevent the war. Steve orders Packy to keep an eye on the village meanwhile he goes to sundown valley to transform into straight arrow. Then he set off to find red cloud. Straight arrow found a trail, followed it and reached the hide out of stunner. He rescued Red cloud and took him to war place to cease the war. Stunner and his followers were tapped in their hide out so sheriff can get back to them and imprison them. On seeing their chief alive, the Comanche ceased. Sheriff was sorry for what the white men did with red cloud. Red cloud was glad that war had prevented. He was thankful to straight arrow for helping him out.