Straight arrow 20
Straight Arrow-The Sky Hook Gang
Straight arrow: owner of the broken bow ranch/ Steve Adams
Packy: side kick of Steve Adams
Ace, Hugo: thieves
Ace and Hugo were thieves who stole gold twice. Steve Adams tried to catch them but failed. He tried again but this time as straight arrow. He seeks a little help from his Comanche brothers. He knew where Ace and Hugo were going to steal gold from. When Comanche signed him straight arrow reached the junction of gold train and somehow managed to get over the hit balloon in which Ace and Hugo were going to escape. When they tried to kill straight arrow, he aimed his arrow at hot air balloon. With the fear of dying, ace and Hugo ceased and let him get of the balloon safely. As soon as straight arrow got off the balloon, he punctured the balloon and caught the running thieves for sheriff to take care of them.
Straight Arrow- The Shield of Straight Arrow
Straight arrow: owner of the broken bow ranch/ Steve Adams
Packy: side kick of Steve Adams
Stalking horse: old warrior
A war shield protects warriors from their enemies. One of the shields of straight arrow told its story. It was new and had no achievement tag on it. People made fun of straight arrow for carrying a naked shield. One day the Comanche went on hunting party. Everybody left their coup sticks and shields at their village as they were not expecting any attack. Straight arrow was the only one who took along his shield with him. People made fun of him but he was braver and confident. Suddenly war party of apache attacked Comanche. Since Comanche were unarmed, they got wounded. Only straight arrow fought bravely. But since he was only one, the apache stole and took away the pines and hunted buffaloes of Comanche. Straight arrow burnt fire to call his people to rescue wounded warriors. Meanwhile he tried to cure their wounds with herbs. Then he went off to bring back the stolen possessions. He was attacked why apache but he fought bravely. He had to make a plan to get all the furs and ponies back. Eventually the shield got burnt. This gave him an idea. Straight arrow made loops and fired them. Then he threw them into the place where apaches were resting. This made all of them scared. The ponies got frightened too, and then ran away. After getting rid of the apache; straight arrow gathered the ponies and all the meat. He went back to his village, shared the meat with Comanche and returned the lost ponies to their owners. People were amazed to see his bravery and courage. They brought him gifts and decorated the shield of with different symbols.
Straight Arrow- The Snake Terror
Straight arrow: Owner of the broken bow ranch/ Steve Adams
Packy: Side Kick of Steve Adams
Cherokee Mike: Robber
Smoky: Mike’s Men
Sheriff: Police Man
Packy and Steve were examining a land were red skins were going to migrate. Mike and his men were also looking at it. It was there hideout and they didn’t want anyone to come there. Mike made a plan. He ordered his men to transform into red skins. They raided the trains as if snake Indians. Sheriff was confused. He planned to visit snake village. Nobody knew it was actually white men who were doing this all behind the costume of red skins. Steve transformed into straight arrow to find the culprits while packy followed the trail. When Mike’s men saw packy, they caught him. Mike handed him over to smoky and went to raid with his other team members. Packy escaped from that place. Unfortunately smoky fell of the ridge. Packy went to snake village so he could meet and inform straight arrow of the army about the whole incidence. When straight arrow came there, following the trail, he found packy’s torn shirt. He thought he died. He became very sad. On the other hand, Mike and his men saw packy. They followed him and threw him in a tepee with rattle snakes in it. When packy came into his senses, he got scared that poison of the rattle snakes would kill him soon. He quickly went out of the tepee. He found straight arrow and told him that Mike and his men are robbers who raid as red skins and blame people of snake village. Straight arrow fought with them and caught them for sheriff. Then he came to packy. Straight arrow was glad that he is alive but packy was sad he was about to die as the rattle snakes had bite him. A snake warrior whispered in straight arrow’s ear that those snakes were used for parties and their poison glands have been removed. Hence packy was safe. They all laughed.