Straight Arrow 15
Straight Arrow: The Disappearing Lake
Steve Adams: owner of the broken bow ranch/straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s sidekick/ close associate
Si Harris: farmer
Dave, Reynolds, Abig: betrayers who hate farmers
Reynolds and Abig hated farmers. They left no chance to drive the farmers out of the land. This time they lowered the water level of Lake Carla with the help of a water gate so the farmers can’t get irrigated water and they will leave the land. When Si Harris went to Lake Carla to know why the water level is low, the men of Reynolds and Abig kidnapped him. His Horse, which he had actually Lend from Steve went back to the broken bow ranch and Steve learned something is wrong. He went to Lake Carla where Reynolds and Abig attacked him. He escaped and transformed into straight arrow. He saw a shed which was guarded by some men. When he went nearer he saw Harris in it. He rescued him and they escaped. But soon Reynolds and Abig’s men saw them. They opened the water gate so straight arrow and Harris get drowned in it but they remained strong and escaped. Soon after this straight arrow caught the men and tied them so they can be taken to the prison.
Straight Arrow-Gun Smoke Trail
Steve Adams: owner of the broken bow ranch/straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s sidekick/ close associate
Dag Shane: thief
Sheriff: policeman
Robberies were increasing day by day. Steve and Packy were worried now to stop them. Yet they had a doubt that Dag Shane was behind this all. They knew the thief but due to lack of evidence they couldn’t take any action against him. Steve and Packy decided to keep an eye on him. That day a bank was robbed by Dag Shane but at the same time he was present in the hunch too. The man from the bank claimed that Dag Shane had robbed the bank. When sheriff was getting him, straight arrow stopped him as he and Packy saw him in the hunch when robbery took place. They even had a fight with Dag Shane while they were at hunch. Steve and Packy could sense something furious and weird happening. They went to the shed of Dag Shane and found him sleeping there. Then on their way back they saw him again, riding on his horse. Steve knew he had to transform into straight arrow to find the secret behind this. He went to the sundown valley and came back as straight arrow. He saw a stage being robbed, and as expected, it was Dag Shane who was doing it. Straight arrow tried to follow him but missed. He end to his house where he got to know that Dag Shane have another brother, who is his twin. Hence the mystery was solved. Straight arrow fixed them in the sand and waited for sheriff to come and get them.
Straight Arrow-The Young Chief
Steve Adams: owner of the broken bow ranch/straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s sidekick/ close associate
Young hunter: brave Comanche
Storm cloud: chief
Bent nose: Comanche
Big rock: Comanche
Storm cloud, the chief of the Comanche was a strong warrior and he wanted his successor to be strong too. His son, young hunter was a strong courageous man but bent nose and his bullies never left any chance to let him down. Bent nose tricked young hunter in several ways and proved storm cloud that he was braver than chief’s own son. This made storm cloud feel ashamed and he ordered to cast him out of the tribe. Poor young hunter was badly wounded. Steve and Packy saw him while they were passing by. They came to him and asked what had happened to him. Packy healed his wounds too. Young hunter explained his story to them. Steve advised him to go back to his tribe and prove you’re strong and brave. Young hunter also wanted this to happen. Hence he went with straight arrow and Packy to Comanche village. There he had a fight with bent nose. When big rock tried to help bent nose, straight arrow attacked him and stopped him from doing so. He wanted a fair fight. Young hunter was strong and hence he defeated bent nose. On seeing this, his father, storm cloud felt proud of him. He welcomed him back to the village and kicked bent nose out, for he lied and betrayed.