Straight arrow 18
Straight Arrow-The Educated Outlaws
Straight arrow: owner of the broken bow ranch/ Steve Adams
Packy: side kick of Steve Adams
Nick Morey: professor/ outlaw
Nick Morley was an outlaw who was running a school to educate bandits how to deal with people who follow the laws. One day, while packy and Steve Adams were moving through the lands, they heard the sounds of shooting. Soon straight arrow realized they had visited the school of outlaws. To learn more about those outlaws, Steve Adams transformed into straight arrow. He went to explore what the outlaws were planning to do. Some outlaws saw straight arrow and grabbed him. They took him to their hideout, tied with rawhide and placed a huge ice cube over him, which contained fierce rattle snakes. Then they went on completing their mission. Straight arrow had a very little time to free himself. He managed to take advantage of melted water to stretch his rawhide and escape before the snakes get free. As soon as straight arrow escaped from that horrible place, he ran as fast as he could. He rescued the gold train where the Nick and his people were going to raid. Straight arrow fought bravely and caught the bandits. Soon sheriff arrived and took charge. Nick was confused how straight arrow found him. Straight arrow told him that he knew gold train was moving that day and was expecting him to raid it.
Straight Arrow- Death from Nowhere
Straight arrow: owner of the broken bow ranch/ Steve Adams
Snake tongue: medicine man
Bennett: young Doctor
Water willow: daughter of chief
Pawnees, crows: tribes
A white face doctor was to come to Comanche village. Snake tongue, the medicine man, didn’t want him to come and take his place so he asked his people to attack the stage which was bringing him to their village. Fortunately, straight arrow reached on time and rescued Bennett. They went to the village where they heard about water willow’s sickness. Doctor Bennett had this chance to prove Comanche people his worth. He operated the girl and saved her from dying of fiver. Snake tongue wasn’t happy to see this all. He went to lands far away, to find more powers and medicine. On his way he passed through Pawnees village where he found people dead due to plague. He got scared and ran back to Comanche village. On the other hand, Doctor Bennett was very happy as he had gained the trust of Comanche people. Comanche were coming to seek help from him. Unfortunately snake tongue brought the infection in village and there was an outbreak of cholera in the village. Doctor was worried how he would treat people suffering from this incurable disease. When straight arrow came back after catching thieves, doctor told him everything. Straight arrow gave him an idea of boiling water. The boiling of water gave the idea of pasteurization to doctor. He ordered people to sterilize everything. Soon the plague was prevented and unhealthy people recovered. Seeing this, the Cheyenne people kidnapped the doctor so he would cure Cheyenne people. Straight arrow and other Comanche went to rescue him. Both tribes were about to fight but Doctor Bennett stopped them and told them he wants to save people not become a reason for their death. He told them he would build a hospital where people of all plains can come. This cheered up both the tribes.
Straight Arrow- The Ugly One
Straight arrow: owner of the broken bow ranch/ Steve Adams
Packy: side kick of Steve Adams
Squaw: tribe
A group of people wearing ugly masks raided in a tribe and took away all the braves, pretty girls, furs and other belongings with them, and set the tepees on fire. Seeing the big clouds of smoke, Steve Adams and packy went to that tribe to know what had happened. After analysing the situation and talking with weak old people left there, he and packy followed the trail of raiders. Steve transformed into straight arrow and continued following the trail along with packy. On their way packy got trapped and soon the ugly masked people came. Straight arrow realized they were squaws wearing masks. The squaw people took straight arrow and packy to their leader. The ugly one, leader of the masked squaws, gave straight arrow two choices. Either straight arrow becomes his slave or he fights for a sure death. She gave straight arrow a day to think and choose one option. Straight arrow and packy were discussing what to do when they saw a guard weeping. Straight arrow asked the guard why she was weeping. The guard put off her mask. She was the prettiest girl they had ever seen. She told straight arrow and packy that their leader is very cruel and ugly. Die to her ugliness, she was banished. She captured and made braves and pretty girls of different tribes, her slaves in her very own village. That pretty girl gave straight arrow a knife and asked him to help them escape without choosing the option of fighting. Next day, straight arrow chose to fight for his life. He had to fight with a tiger cat which he did bravely and remained alive. This made the ugly one angry. She stepped forward to kill straight arrow but her horse saw the dead tiger cat, it got afraid and ran away. Now the young braves and pretty girls, along with straight arrow and packy were free from cruel enslavement of the ugly one.