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Indigenous Stories

Rain Song

Categories : Sia , Sia Stories

We, the ancient ones, ascended from the middle of the world below, through the door of the entrance to the lower world, we hold our songs to the Cloud, Lightning, and Thunder Peoples as we hold our own hearts. Our medicine is precious.

(Addressing the people of Tinia:)

We entreat you to send your thoughts to us so that we may sing your songs straight, so that they will pass over the straight road to the Cloud priests that they may cover the Earth with water, so that she may bear all that is good for us.

Lightning People, send your arrows to the middle of the Earth. Hear the echo! Who is it? The People of the Spruce of the North. All your people and your thoughts come to us. Who is it? People of the white floating Clouds. Your thoughts come to us. All your people and your thoughts come to us. Who is it? The Lightning People. Your thoughts come to us. Who is it? Cloud People at the horizon. All your people and your thoughts come to us.

Rain Song

White floating clouds. Clouds, like the plains, come and water the Earth. Sun, embrace the Earth that she may be fruitful. Moon, lion of the north, bear of the west, badger of the south, wolf of the east, eagle of the heavens, shrew of the Earth, elder war hero, younger war hero, warriors of the six mountains of the world, intercede with the Cloud People for us that they may water the Earth. Medicine bowl, cloud bowl, and water vase give us your hearts, that the Earth may be watered. I make the ancient road of meal that my song may pass straight over it - the ancient road. White shell bead woman who lives where the sun goes down, mother whirlwind, father Sussistinnako, mother Yaya, creator of good thoughts, yellow woman of the north, blue woman of the west, red woman of the south, white woman of the east, slightly yellow woman of the zenith, and dark woman of the nadir, I ask your intercession with the Cloud People.

Rain Song

Let the white floating clouds - the clouds like the plains - the lightning, thunder, rainbow, and cloud peoples, water the Earth. Let the people of the white floating clouds,- the people of the clouds like the plains - the lightning, thunder, rain bow, and cloud peoples -come and work for us, and water the Earth.

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