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Indigenous Stories

A Song Of Huexotzinco

Categories : Nahua , Nahua Stories

Only sad flowers, sad songs, are here in Mexico, in Tiatiloico, in this place these alone are known, alas.

It is well to know these, if only we may please the Giver of Life, lest we be destroyed, we his subjects, alas.

We have angered Him, we are only wretched beings, slaves by blood; we have seen and known affliction, alas.

We are disturbed, we are embittered, thy servants here in Tiatiloico, deprived of food, made acquainted with affliction, we are fatigued with labor, 0 Giver of Life, alas.

Weeping is with us, tears fall like rain, here in Tiatiloico; as the Mexican women go down to the water, we beg of them for ourselves and our friends, alas.

Even as the smoke, rising, lies in a cloud over Mount Atloyan, in Mexico, so does it happen unto us, 0 Giver of Life, alas.

And. you Mexicans, may you remember concerning us when you descend and suffer before the majesty of God, when there you shall howl like wolves.

There, there will be only weeping as your greeting when you come, there you will be accursed, all of you, workers in filth, slaves, rulers or warriors, and thus Tenochtitlan will be deserted.

Oh friends, do not weep, but know that sometime we shall have left behind us the things of Mexico, and then their water shall be made bitter and their food shall be made bitter, here in Tiatiloico, as never before, by the Giver of Life.

The disdained and the slaves shall go forth with song; but in a little while their oppressors shall be seen in the fire, amid the howling of wolves.

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